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Treat your cat to a delicious seafood meal with Purina Fancy Feast Petites Ocean Whitefish Entree With Tomato in Gravy gourmet wet cat food. Our innovative single-serve cat food tray lets you fill her dish with a perfectly sized amount of gourmet wet cat food with no mess to clean or leftovers to store. We carefully craft this scrumptious seafood recipe using real ocean whitefish and tomatoes. We make this delectable wet cat food without artificial preservatives or colors to meet your ingredient preferences. We make our single-serving cat food with succulent gravy to add a mouthwatering finish to a dining experience that's sure to make her swoon. Give your cat an elevated feeding adventure when you stock your cupboard with convenient pull-apart Purina Fancy Feast wet cat food trays. Let your feline princess try all the irresistible flavors and textural varieties in our Fancy Feast Petites wet cat food collection, where she can blissfully discover the love we put into every detail.
WET FOOD IS FULL OF FLUIDS Feeding your cat wet food every day in addition to dry food ensures that your cat receives plenty of fluids. This is because fresh animal-based food naturally contains lots of water, which is also a key part of the jelly that binds the pieces together.
WET FOOD. Some veterinarians recommend feeding only wet, or canned, food. For most purposes, we recommend the paté food rather than the flaked food in gravy. Many cats will lick off the gravy and not eat the meat, which leaves them with incomplete nutrition full of thickeners and glutens.
How often should cats eat wet food? What do vets recommend? Wet food is not a special meal or an occasional treat. Cats can and should eat wet food every day because it agrees with the feline digestive system better than dry or semi-moist food.Mar 15, 2022
– Adding extra water to wet food can also help increase water intake. Some cats will happily eat a food that resembles soup! – Start by adding a small quantity of water (e.g. 1 dessert spoonful) and gradually increase this over a period of several days if your cat is happy to eat their watered down food.
Pate or shreds in gravy? Pate is a smooth, blended meal with a soft, sponge-like consistency. Shreds in gravy are exactly as they sound: shredded pieces of meat in a rich, savory gravy. Both are complete diets and provide essential moisture for your cat, which can help them drink more water as well.Nov 18, 2021